Advantages of Building Software on Ruby on Rails Technology

17 May, 2024

Advantages of Building Software on Ruby on Rails Technology
Sagar Damjibhai Patel

Sagar Damjibhai Patel

CDO, Softices

If you are a newbie developer or a business seeking the advantages of building software on Ruby on Rails technology, you’re at the right place. In this blog, we’ll cover the Ruby on Rails (RoR) basics as well as the benefits that make it a winner. While the technology or platform is much celebrated among developers for its unique features, it was also known for its slow processing and scalability difficulties. They’ve been overcome as the platform thrives on relevance and convenience.

Key Highlights 

  • What is Ruby on Rails (RoR)?
  • Advantages of Building Software on Ruby on Rails Technology
  • Who should go for Ruby on Rails Technology?
  • Empower your Business with Ruby on Rails

But first, let’s see what is Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Call it Ruby on Rails, RoR, or just Rails – it is a gem and one-of-its-kind server-side web application framework. It’s coded in Ruby programming language and designed to simplify the web development process. This web development technology focuses on advancement with features like CoC (Convention over Configuration), Model-view-Controller (MVC), Active Record, and more.

We bet you’ll want to reach out to a topper Ruby on Rails Development Company USA as you finish this read.

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Advantages of Building Software on Ruby on Rails Technology

Besides being a preferred development technology for web apps, it is a powerhouse of specifications shaping web development into a versatile process. It is here to stay for its efficiency and impeccable advantages it offers. We’re glad to be sharing them with you all.

1. Efficiency via Simplicity

Unlike its predecessors, this technology simplifies the software development process. It takes much less time for development. The setup and configuration are not at all cumbersome. 

It makes the development process super convenient for the developers, thus eliminating their need for making smaller decisions such as placing files, naming classes, etc. RoR allows developers to engage in bigger aspects of the project instead of staying puzzled with the setup and configuration part. When a developer is working on your project with the RoR framework, the focus is more on your business logic than on small development areas. They’ll be taken care of by the technology itself. 

The outcome: Faster development time, improved efficiency & simplicity of tasks.

2. MVC Architecture

MVC (Model-View-Controller) Architecture plays a vital role when it comes to the management and scalability of web apps. Needless to say, you’ll like refreshing your UI (user interface) at some intervals to improve responsiveness. If it requires re-designing, the developers will start from zero and so will your development budget spikes.

Instead, RoR technology introduces budgetary maintenance meaning that your UI updates can be done easily. Updates take less implementation time as the coding or business logic need not be changed entirely. As a result, downtime is not affected much and updates can be launched sooner.

3. Optimized Productivity

For business apps that are consistently evolving, nothing works better than RoR. This technology incorporates the DRY Principle – Don’t Repeat Yourself. It works on a simple principle, ‘why repeat when once available?’ Consequently, there is minimal duplication of code which saves time and minimizes efforts, thus promising optimal productivity among developers. 

4. In-Built Security Features

When it comes to choosing a secure platform, you can surely count on RoR. It has built-in security features against the most common breaches like SQL injection threats, XSS attacks, etc. In short, it makes businesses feel secure about their web app as the platform reduces the risk of data theft or hacking to a great extent.

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5. Seamless Software Scalability

Scalability was often questioned for Ruby on Rails. For handling high-traffic periods (seasonal traffic spikes or promotional events), there was a need to expand resources. The technology transformed its minus point into a plus by handling heavy-loading services with efficiency. Now, there is no need for scaling the software with resource expansion or hardware integration. Scalability can be seamlessly implemented by rolling out fresh features whenever required.

6. Robust API Development

Ruby on Rails is also known for its robust and RESTful application design approach. Its CRUD operations i.e. create, read, update, or delete are far better than operation-based designs that work on Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).

Technologies relying on SOAP focus on actions and processes while REST relies on data and resources, thus offering versatility and alignment with web standards. Businesses using RoR can easily integrate with other services. They own an infrastructure eligible for less-frictional evolution.

7. Innovation in Motion

RoR is an open-source platform which is constantly evolving and a work in progress with innovative features being introduced now and then. The technology usually gets an enhanced version at a gap of 2 years, on average. Some essential changes are made to the framework for improving its compatibility. Its robustness attracts developers to keep improving alongside practising compatibility with previous versions. Also, patches are introduced whenever necessary for bug fixes and levelling up the security of the platform. RoR is very concerned about security vulnerabilities and whenever any new theft is detected, a new patch is released.

8. Simplified Database Management

While other platforms have database management such as Postgresql, this one has Active Record. It lets developers extract data from their existing database at higher levels. Active Record is compatible with almost all popular SQL databases. This ensures focus on implementation instead of wasting time on low-level SQL commands by a Ruby on Rails web development company.

9. Effortless Deployment and Testing

The platform has a superhero called Capistrano which is an automated deployment tool exclusively for supporting scriptable deployments. Next, it has highly efficient MiniTest and RSpec built-in integration test frameworks. They serve as a maestro for test-driven development (TDD) and behaviour-driven development (BDD). 

Businesses are at a major benefit from these features especially when constant integration and deployment are ongoing. This allows new features to be developed, tested & implemented faster than usual. Finally, the time-to-market is prompt with an agile approach which allows businesses to stay atop their competition.

10. Unbeatable Community Support

The platform has an awesome community. Here’s why:

  • Over 5000+ developers are involved in making RoR source code work better
  • Development time and cost is cut down due to 150,000+ libraries (gems) readily available
  • Wider community support 24*7 across the globe
  • New ideas and troubleshooting solutions on the go
  • Better flexibility allows businesses to make better choices of tools

Last, yet not least – RoR is very cost-effective. Whether your project is to be developed from scratch or just requires updates and maintenance, this framework is the BEST! Since developers have to spend a generous amount of time coding and implementing the requirements, the web app can be developed at pocket-friendly costs.

Leading Global Companies Relying on the RoR Framework

A lot of debate keeps happening in the developer’s world if this development framework is even recognized these days. No wonder several advanced technologies have entered the game, but the OG is here to stay! Here are some handful instances where Ruby on Rails serves as a backbone.

  • Twitter
  • Airbnb
  • Shopify
  • GitHub
  • Hulu
  • Zendesk

This list of companies using the RoR framework features only a few names. You’ll find numerous companies trusting Ruby on Rails for smooth and secure portals. You, too, can opt for this platform with our reliable Ruby on Rails development company designing it as per your requirements.

Discover the advantages of Ruby on Rails technology and transform your business with Softices' expert development services!

Who should go for Ruby on Rails Technology?

By the time you see the perks of this technology, you may wonder if it can work out equally well for your biz. This technology can be an excellent fit for your business if it is a:

  • Social networking site
  • E-commerce
  • Mobile App API
  • Software as a Service (SaaS) App 
  • Content Management System (CMS)

Related Read: How AI Technology will drastically boost your business growth in 2024? Empower your Business with Ruby on Rails

While each development framework has its pros and cons, it’s all about how efficiently a developer harnesses its power. With this said, if you are interested in this technology and willing to proceed with a renowned Ruby on Rails development company in India, look no further than 

We have over 100+ projects developed and successfully implemented on this framework. Our team of talented experts are ready to translate your ideas to life with this cutting-edge technology. Give us a chance you’ll never regret. With a personalized development plan, we’ll assign a team of developers just for you!

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