Cookies policy

Last updated: 24th Oct 2021

The softices website makes use of cookies. By utilizing this website, you accept the cookies used on the website. Below is some basic information about cookies:

What does a cookie mean?

A cookie works as a minor data component that a website can pass on, to your browser. It will get stored on the hard drive and will be known when you come again to the website. So, when you register online with any of our services and solutions, it shows your positive consensus to receive cookies.

Which are the cookies being used?

  • Google analytics

Google analytics (GA) is most commonly used to track user communication. This data helps us to know the details about visitors on our website, what they are searching for, which web pages they are focusing on and their entire roadmap to the website. This technology records user information such as your geolocation, device, browser, OS, IP address etc. but none of this information is passed on to us. As a third-party data processor, google analytics utilizes the cookies for further action.

  • Website cookies

Data obtained through cookies and other technical tools is not personal information. But as a part of the privacy policy, we treat this, and data related to IP addresses etc. as personal information only. For e.g., Softices makes use of cookies that capture the date of your last visit.

  • Is there any way I can evade the usage of cookies on the site?

When you are visiting the website for the first time, there will be a notification at the bottom that will give you information about our cookies policy. You can still avoid the cookies by disabling them from the browser settings.

  • Is there any way I can delete cookies?

Through browser settings, you can delete cookies. There will be further help available in the browser settings.